In this blog post, I'll cover some new digital marketing tips that will be helpful for those looking to get started now or who have been doing it for some time but want new strategies they haven't thought about before!
1) Be aware of what keywords people are searching for: If you're trying to get noticed online then your first step is to know what people are searching for. Keywords can be ideas about a product or service, but also demographic and geographic terms. For example, if you own a gardening company and want to drive more traffic from North America then you might want to pay attention to the word "gardening" when it's used in searches from there. If you're a blogger and want to write something popular then it pays to know what terms readers are searching for. Traffic from search engines is important to any digital marketing campaign. The higher up your blog post ranks on page 1 of Google, the more traffic you'll get from that search term.
2) Steal successful content: Content that gets shared goes viral, plain, and simple. Spend some time clicking around on social media and see what's popular there. Look for posts that were shared by a lot of people (this is most often seen on Facebook if you organize your news feed), or posts that have many comments with an emoji smiley face (that shows engagement).
After you find a popular post, see what elements made it so by using the social sharing buttons to find out which services were used. Study popular ads on Facebook or Google as well. Copy them and apply them to your own business in some way to make yourself stand out from the other advertisers who are trying to get your audience's attention!
3) Track your audience: You probably already do this in some fashion or another, but it's doubly important with digital marketing since we're not just sitting back and waiting for customers to come to us anymore. So many people are interacting with content when they're on social media. Measure the reach of each post and see what works best for you. Watch how people interact with your posts on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ to get an idea of what they like and don't like. Track which posts got the most comments, shares, and pins.
4) Get more followers: One of the best ways to be seen is by having an audience already. The more people who like and follow you on social media, the wider your reach will grow. You can also use that audience for some great digital marketing tips! Ask for feedback, post polls or surveys about what they think about a new product idea you have, or even send thank you messages. Your existing audience is your biggest asset in a digital marketing campaign because it's the only one that you can immediately tap into and use to promote yourself.
5) Use hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to be seen by new people on social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, or Google+. You might be familiar with using hashtags on Twitter but there's also a place you can find and use popular hashtags. It's called a Hashtag directory, and it's like a search engine for anything that has the same tag. If you've never used one before then try it out! Get creative with your posts to find new ways to engage your audience.
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